So I am running down the runway in a hurry, not because I missed my call time for a fashion show, but to speak the truth to my audience before their exit. I am model Dr. Allen and I am going to prescribe the truth to my readers. Many of you remember me and my side kick Mo’Nique from our starts with Intersection Inc., FMTV, or Gala Models and Talent. I take you back a few years ago… years that people still speak on… it was Fall Fashion Week 2005 the tearing down of my career. Allen and Mo’Nique have both had very successful careers in front of the camera. I have walked the runway for several major designers, several editorial jobs, not to mention countless commercials; however in this business you learn that the glamorous jobs don’t always have such a glamorous paycheck. Some of my closest friends during this time of my wonderful modeling career were several America’s Next Top Models, actors, and one particular star from Bravo’s Search for America’s Most Gorgeous Male Model, who was actually chosen to be featured in this story, but backed out the night before the shoot because of a horrible situation that was blamed on myself and my Wonder Twin Sister, this is the emergency that I am going to discuss.

Fashion Week Under Bryant Park aka Schizophrenic is the fashion show that put Intersection Inc. on the map. The show that hired some of the industries most promising models, designers, stylist, make-up artists, hair stylists, and two up and coming coordinators really has impacted New York until this day. I myself actually retired from the industry after the show, in hopes that people would forget about it. Why would someone want to forget about such an amazing show? Well Gala Models and Talent chose not to pay participants of this show and I and my company were to be blamed. That’s kind of what happens in this business, when someone is burned they choose to blame everyone affiliated with the project, due to the unprofessional tactics of this particular company (that no longer exists) I lost my reliable reputation, accountability, and several friends. Not only did this company not pay the participants, but I wasn’t paid for the hard work and dedication I put into the show as well. My sister and I had worked extremely hard toward the success of this show and because the person behind Gala appeared to be so innocent, we received all the blamed… I never worked the same in the business again!

This story is giving anyone who participated in this show the truth… I am giving you the facts straight up as Dr. Allen experienced them first hand. I have never had any of your money… I was burned worst than any participant of the fashion show. I lost my apartment, company, friends, and reputation, because funds were not released from this particular show. Making a come back in this business has even backfired today, when the original model for this doctor spread canceled at 11:30 at night, before his shoot for FBM. He canceled because I was affiliated with Schizophrenic, Intersection Inc. has been involved in its fair amount of scandals and a lot of hard work, blood, sweat, and tears went into creating such a great company. I hated when I had to part the company and go after other endeavors on my own; however all good things come to an end. I just want to clear the air about the one major downfall that has caused such uproar in the business.
If you were in fact apart of Schizophrenic or any other project that Intersection Inc. produced and you felt that your treatment was unjust or you were not paid… please talk to Tito Rosirio (the crook himself), he was the financial backing for Intersection Inc.’s projects and he is the reason I myself was not paid and you! My case is closed and I prescribe for you forgiveness, because you cannot go forward without forgiving and moving on… I am here to get my career back and that’s my final plea!
Written By: Dwight “Allen” O’Neal
Photographed By: Sasha Gitin http://www.sashagitin.com/
Designed: Diogene
If you were in fact apart of Schizophrenic or any other project that Intersection Inc. produced and you felt that your treatment was unjust or you were not paid… please talk to Tito Rosirio (the crook himself), he was the financial backing for Intersection Inc.’s projects and he is the reason I myself was not paid and you! My case is closed and I prescribe for you forgiveness, because you cannot go forward without forgiving and moving on… I am here to get my career back and that’s my final plea!
Written By: Dwight “Allen” O’Neal
Photographed By: Sasha Gitin http://www.sashagitin.com/
Designed: Diogene
I think its a National Independence Day for re-claiming everything you worked hard. May the truth set you free.
I knew something wasnt right from the moment I stepped into that Hell Hole. Happy to know you and your sister made it out. Any burn marks?
aww.. I'm glad to hear that you've clear the air! now let's back into the GAME...
Allen I love your hair!!!
Thank you for all the love and support and yes the truth has set me free. The experience that I had with that horrible company did teach me a valuable lesson and I do hope that people do forgive me for what happen, although it was not my fault :) I am hear to stay... I have an amazing friend base, tv series, and I am going to continue to be the blessed person that I am.... Thank you for commenting and reading :)
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