Things you should never do I don't care how famous you think you are...
1. Chinese Slippers- "Not even in the house"
2. Rollers in your hair in public- "Hello Southern States- I am talking to you"
3. Baggy jeans that reveal your dirty underwear- "Ewe... You're Nasty"
4. Fitted jeans, with loose shirts- "Self Explanatory"
5. Socks with Sandals- "Take it from Biblical Days, they did not wear socks"
6. Flood Pants- "Stop the Rain!"
7. FuBu- "I'm not going to need"
8. Matching- "Be creative, mix some colors up"
9. Oversized Braids- "Please don't do this to yourself, mothers please don't do this to your child"
10. Plastic Surgery- "Their are plenty of lip plumpers, body enhancers, and more that do these things for less money and are harmless."
I know I left some off... Help save the World! Add a comment today!
Shameer Khan (FBM Photo Editor) Added... Come on get it together he added 40
Shameer's FASHION DONTS 2007
1. No more leggings with mini or any skirt
2. No more Chinese slippers..even the ones with a wedge..we dont care what new colors or shapes came out..dont do it!
3. No more fishnet shirts
4.No more "Babygirl" or "Angel" shirts..grow up
5. No more nameplate belts..we don't need you advertising your name..if we wanted to know we'd ask.
6. No more matching shirts and eye shadows dramatically
7. No more drastic hair colors (orange, red, pink, etc)
8. No more flared jeans with boots..there's a reason why BOOT CUT jeans are called boot cut jeans.
9. No more pearl necklaces or fancy accessories with's just not right
10. No more chandelier earrings with casual outfit.
11. No more fancy belts (shiny, sequins, glitter, etc) with sneakers.
12. Limit tips with free designs (nails)
13. Get your right shade of foundation and only use a small amount if you have to
14. Hair color must match skin tone and no more extreme highlights!!!
15.No outfit repeats every week..there's a problem when we know what you'll be wearing on Monday : /
16. No colored blue no pink...not cute
17.No more extra baggy clothes
18. No more fake skater boys!!!
19. No more using Roca Wear handbags or any handbag as an everyday bookbag
20. No more wearing gold jewelry every single day
21. No more perverted, mean, printed shirts (guns, weed, money "you boyfriend thinks im hot")
22. No more 3 for $10 tees from Jamaica Av. or anywhere else! thats boring
23. No more colored laces on white ups..
24. No tight "white boy" jeans with baggy shirts/hoodies or big sneakers
25. No more PJ pants..just stop it.
26. No more du-rags hanging out your back pocket
27. No more wearing your jeans sagging low..we don't need to see your dirty boxers
28. No more camel toes..ladies please buy your appropriate jeans size..its okay to be tight but too tight is so not sexy!
29. No more visible love handles..we're not all perfect but it's not cute..cover up..wear appropriate clothing for your body type..especially when there's stretch marks involved.
30. No more brands such as South Pole, Avirex, Fubu, Paco, etc
31. No more racer're not a walking billboard!
32. No more sweats to school unless you're going to gym class
33. No more black or visible lip liner or noticable penciled penciled in eyebrows
34. No more tank tops or wife beaters over shirts or over anything, except a bra
35. No more over accessorizing..sometimes less is more
36. No more skimpy tight dresses..classy, not trashy
37. No more Jamaica Av. dresses
38. No more Jamaica Av. trends at all!
39. No more colored contact lenses, be yourself
40. Last but not least, no more trying extra hard to being something your not.
STAY TUNED.......>..>
Written By: Animated Star
Additions Made By: Shameer Khan & Vanieta Karamchand