July Issue…”Independent Fame” Words from our Editor
With Fashion and Entertainment we see that Celebrities rock to their own beat and drum. Find your independence within yourself and know that you are the bomb! As we celebrate our country’s independence, we also should celebrate the independent fame that we all have. Whether you are already famous, up and coming or a local “famour,” be you and be very proud of whom you are…. It’s your “Independent Fame” baby!
Dwight Allen O'Neal... Editor-In-Chief
What a great idea Mr. Allen... I am very proud of you! Keep up the great work...
What a great idea Mr. Allen... I am very proud of you! Keep up the great work...
To my favorite nephew Mr.Oneal< i am so proud of you.Your loving Aunt
Sandra Bullock(the original)!
Your uniqueness and GOD given talents and gifts are showing through loud and clear!
I am very proud of you - keep up the awesome work! We LOVE YOU!
(Pastor Ola Perry - Proximity Life Ministries (Little Rock, AR)
That was ontime. We should live like there is no tomorrow and Always put your bestfoot foward. We all have a talent to give so use it or loose it
Teresa O'Neal Little Rock, AR
I am so proud of you. I am happy you continued to follow your dreams and look where it got you! And I love the plug you threw in for FBLA. I remember those dress up days, man back then I hated them but now it is all paying off like you said!!
You look crazy
you look very cool and gangster...
sounds familiar...
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